So we all have things that bug us. Active listeners. Cheaters. Taxes. Etc. These are things that are generally hated by everyone. But what about the other things that bother you. The things you know arent that big of a deal but they continue to drive you INSANE. I have alot of these things. And they really grind my gears.
- The fact that every single hair tutorial guide is meant for people with straight hair. I will never get to have "beachy" waves" or a "fish tail braid" without a shit load of work and frizz
- The fact that I can literally change the look of my entire face but will never be able to fully have the hair I really want. No matter what.
- People who use their fingers to pick things out of food or to eat food thats not finger food. Fucking gross.
- People who dont answer your text message but then will respond hours later saying "omg look at this picture of my kitten!!!"....and just completely ignore the last text you sent them.
- When people desperately seek your advice and then when you give it to them they spend an hour telling you why you are wrong or why you cant possibly understand. You re right. I DONT understand why you are such an idiot.
- People who use post its or passive aggressive notes to get their points across to their roomates. Live alone.
- When people in long term relationships claim they would do Match.com "in a second!!!" if they were single. Yeahhhh, totally!
- When girls claim a person was rude to them because "maybe they are just threatened by cute girls"....yes maybe. Or maybe you are just a douche.
- Any person who posts a picture of their ass on facebook on instagram. I dont care how good you look or how fucking artsy you think you are. You are trashy.
- Bikini bottoms that might as well be a thong. Same as above. Save that shit for the privacy of your backyard. Thanks.
- Anyone who says they are allergic to cats to cover up for the fact that they just dont like them. I'm allergic to your bullshit
- When you tell a story and people keep saying "no you didnt" or "you did not" over and over. Like yeah im so desperate to impress you that I decided to make up a story about the time when the autisic guy I was dating sent me a text that said " cow bell MOOOO more beef please". Okay.
- Breast feeding. Nasssssssty. Its called a breast pump. Do it at home. Feed your baby from a bottle. This isnt the Serengeti.
- Vegas and everything about it.
- Fake purses. I'll admit this one is kind of snobby but I just get annoyed by them.
- Hand washing dishes. I'd literally rather die.
- When people say they refuse to spend money on nice clothes, make up, sun glasses, etc...but then continually ask to borrow mine.
- People who don't have air conditioning. Grow the fuck up.
- People who claim they moved to Colorado to ski and then they ski 5 days a year. I'd have more respect for you if you said you moved to Colorado to blow lines and bang football players.
- People who post any of the following on facebook: Pictures of their pregnant belly, serious selfies, status about their gym work outs, things about "loving and losing", any sort of post that could be equated to having a mental breakdown (you know who you are), pictures where the person posting it looks amazing but everyone else looks like an asshole
- Parents on facebook. Okay, not all parents are bad at facebook but they ones who are are so bad that they completely ruin it for all the ones who are good. Please stick to ourtime.com
- People on facebook who have over 1,000 friends. Um no you dont. You just dont.
- People who refuse to invest in work clothes. It is called H&M. You look like a total asshole.
- People who wear the same dress for every single fancy occasion in their lives. Again, its called H&M. You look poor.
- Co workers who have the time to come to me and complain that we dont have doctor pepper but dont have time to read my emails explaining why we dont have doctor pepper.
- Anyone my age who thinks that they are entitled to $50,000 a year and 25 vacation days when the only experience they have is filing mail and making one power point.
- The fact that I just ordered my boss a $600 stand for his computer so he can stand up and type.
- The fact that the Jon Benet Ramsey murder is still not solved but it is impossible to park in Boulder for even one min without getting a parking ticket
- Peoples inability to realize that Denver isnt as great of a city as it pretends to be. I'm guessing this is because most instaters have never bothered to take the time to visit other cities such as Chicago, New York, LA, Austin, etc. News flash: you cant say Colorado is the greatest state in the nation when you haven't been anywhere fucking else.
- People who give me shit for not skiing more yet refuse travel outside the state (see above).
- Girls who wont drink beer because they are afraid of carbs or getting fat but will drink a bottle of vodka with a gallon of cranberry juice and then puke all over themselves. News flash: the sugar in vodka cranberries will make you pork out way faster than beer will. And also im pretty sure a guy would much rather fuck a 125lbs girl who rocks at beer pong and can stand at the end of evening than a 118lbs girl who is passing out in the bathroom in a pool of her own puke.
- The fact that my parents refuse to use cell phones like real grown up people
- People who dont get cheese on their burgers
- Little children. All of them. Destructive, annoying, spoiled, and uninteresting.
- People who cheat at words with friends. You went to Texas tech. You do not know what scrupulous means.
- Chelsea Handler. She used to be funny but now shes kind of a CU next tuesday and a total sell out. Next, please.
- The Olsen Twins. Not even going to elaborate here. I just dont like them. Same with Anne Hathaway and Blake Lively.
- Eat, Pray, Love. Hmmm. How about Eat, pray, and shut the fuck up.
- The TV show "Friends". I'm sorry I know its a childhood classic for alot of people but does anyone really think it's funny?
- Ski racks on luxury cars.
- Colorado drivers.
- Pale, pearly pink nails. Um yeahhhhhhh. baby prostitute?
- When you order a chocolate milkshake and its actually just vanilla ice cream with chocolate syrup
- The sound of nails being filed
- The word "spore"
- The term "growth Pattern"
I would also add people who jay-walk in the middle of Speer, Colfax, Park Ave etc. Unless the street is one lane, I will mow you over and even then I might still. This isn't Boulder and you aren't protected by the same law that the perpetrator pays your tuition