Random things that make me scream "YAY!!!"
- Waking up and realizing that you still have another hour to sleep
- Getting a facebook wall post from someone you generally like/miss
- Getting a facebook "poke" from someone you genuinally want to "poke"
- Finding out that the waitress forgot to charge you for your last drink. Oops.
- Having one of your guy friends tell you you look hot in a tottally non sexual way.
- Having your friends from high school comment on how good looking all of your guy friends are and how shes going to come visit because of it.
- Waking up from an insane night of drinking with zero hangover
- Finding out that the 3 lbs you gained went right to your boobs
- Your boss telling you that you can come in late/go home early without there being a catch.
- Four words: Company Sponsered Happy Hour.
- Turning on the TV to find that your favorite movie has just started
- Seeing that the thing you have been dying to buy is on super sale
- Anytime your parents offer to pay for anything
- Finding a cold spot in the sheets when its summer time
- Two for one drinks
- Good hair days
- Getting a package in the mail
- Getting more than 20 likes on a facebook or instagram post
- Getting a friend request from a guy you think is hot
- Having a good natural tan
- 24 hour a day drive thrus
- Living Socials and groupons
- When people ask me to edit their cover letters or resumes
- Getting a text from an ex hook up who was a douche to you at 2:00am (see here)
- Childrens cereal
- Pedicures
- When it rains when i'm hungover
- Maid Service
- Getting Flowers
- When people fall down (evil, I know)
- When your boss asks you to do something that you've already done (this hasnt happened in awhile)
- Being right.
- No wait at brunch
- My SAT verbal score
- Automatic wine openers
- Fleece lined slippers
- my heated snuggie
- When my friends who are cuter than me wear a stupid outfit
- Seeing that a movie that I wanted to rent is now free to stream on netflicks
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