Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Juice Head

I love fruit juice (especially lemonade, grapefruit, and apple juice) but I refuse to drink almost all store brands because they are loaded with sugar and weird concentrates.  This caused me to buy a very simple juicer about three years ago when I first moved to Denver so I could make fresh squeezed grapefruit and orange juice at home. The "juicer" was only $10 and could only squeeze citrus type fruits but the results were still outstanding. Said juicer broke after six months (I may or may not have tried to grate a coconut on it) and I havent "juiced" anything in over two years. I hadnt really thought about investing in a juicer (I already had ice cream maker, high speed blender, crock pot, and deep fryer on my wishlist, haha) but after hearing about both my best friend, Emily, and my brother, Charlie's wonderful experiences with their new juicers,I started scouring the internet for yummy sounding juice combos.After seeing things like "green lemonade" and "pomegrante berry fizz",  I had to take the plunge.   I purchased this little gem on Monday and it arrives today. Yesterday I went and stocked up on various fruits and vegetables to make about 3 days worth of juice. Stay tuned for recipes and reviews!

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