1. The last time your answer was “No,” what was the question?
Hmmm. Probably yesterday when the guy at Iron Mountain asked me if I was satisfied with the service he provided.
2.What’s a rule in your life that just doesn’t make any sense?
That I have to put 5 mins on my time card If I go down to my car, but everyone else in my office can leave for a week and not even put in PTO.
3. What were the professional or personal circumstances surrounding your last passing of the buck?
I forgot to send an important Fed Ex out and I lied to the lady in the Lincoln office and said that Fed Ex lost the package. Oops.
4. What’s an annoying bit of paperwork you have to do with some regularity?
My timecard. And basically everything else I do at work.
5. In some places, employees are entitled to regular smoking breaks. Whether you smoke or not, what would be another thing you’d love to take a fifteen-minute break for, every few hours?
Call bomb threats into my office.
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