While I usually avoid watching or reading almost all types of celebrity coverage (its the only thing in my life I've managed to successfully give up, hahah) I always make an exception when it comes to the fashion of the Oscars and the Met ball. Given the unusual theme and my infinity for all things dark and creepy, I was pretty excited to check out which celebs nailed it last night. Votes for best dressed go to:

Blake Lively. She might be totally fucking annyoing and untalented but she always looks amazing in clothes. And this dress, while a safe bet, is stunning.

Jennifer Lawrence. I love the goth feel of her shoes and veil. Plus, It's a pretty amazing contrast from her angelic creme Oscar gown. Bravo.

Gwynie. Okay, this dress is not really that great. Butttt it to me it seemed like a punk version of the pink Ralph Lauren dress she wore when she won the Oscar back in 1998 so I give her props for that. I also like her use of pale make up when everyone else opted for dark.

Kirsten Dunst. I'm mainly giving her props because this is the only time im the past ten years where she didnt look like she got pulled out of a trash can.

Now......for the hot messes of the night

Carine Rotfeild. Again, no clue who this "chick" is but this outfit is insanely heinous It looks like she bought a t shirt at hot topic and glued it on a forever 21 dress with a elmers glue stick. And wtf is wrong with her face? She looks like tan mom had a baby with Ozzy Osbourne. No No No.

Um. First of all, I'm pretty sure this is just what Madonna wears everyday. Second of all, I think even Madonnas daughter, Lourdes, is too old to pull of the sexy school girl look. You are 56. The jig is up.

There are so many things wrong with this that I dont even know where to begin. First of all, it looks like Kims pregancy has offically given her a body just like that of the villain, Penguin, only 200 lbs heavier:
Maybe I'm being too harsh on Kimmy. It is possible that this dress isnt really her fault. Here is my theory: It's pretty wildly know that Anna Wintour cant stand the Kardashians and never wants them at any Conde Nast events. Sooo obviously major strings had to be pulled for Kanye to be able to bring his baby mama to the event. What strings you might ask? Check out the dragon ladies outfit from Monday:

Amazing, well tailored, effortless floral. There is a very real chance that Anna simply told Kanye "sure, you can bring that slut. But I am choosing her outfit. And I am going to make it the most unflattering version of the same pattern I'm wearing to show my total and utter supeiority over her in every single way". Mission accomplished, Anna.

It's ironic that Kristin Steward finds it appropriate to wear converse on every single red carpet but opts out of wearing them on a night when they actually might make some sort of sense. She is clearly really embracing the Twilight theme because her suit, hair, and the color of her skin remind me of Dracula:

Atleast Dracula manages a half smile. K Stew always looks like her boyfriend just asked her if they could have a three some with an asian school girl or something. Painfully awkward and very disturbed.
Carine Rotfeild was the editor of Vogue Paris for a decade. That does not excuse her outfit. And that comparison of Kim and The Penguin is brilliant!
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