Anytime I have to talk to someone under 10 or over 65.

Looking at my bank account.

When I put the clothes that are now too tight for me in storage in my loft.

When I cant find my friends out at the bar.

Why I cant bring myself to eat a banana

When I see guys wearing seersucker.

When my friends parents add me on facebook.

When I find out a brunch place doesnt serve bottomless mimosas.

When a job interview asks what I'd bring to the company.

When I hear someone say "No thanks" to a bread basket.

When my friends and I talk about wearing our bathing suits in public.

When someone tells me all the weight they gain goes to their boobs.

When I see girls with perfectly straight hair.

After three days at coachella.

When I make a list of everything I ate today.

When I ask my boss for a raise.

When we go to brunch and my friend asks if I want to split the fruit cup.

My boss when I showed up to work after the company sponsored happy hour.

When I see a guy in pink.

When someone tells me they are going on a diet.

When I get hit on at the bar.

Trying to make sense of StIcKY CaPss!

When my friends tell me they are moving out of Denver.

When all my bosses are gone.

When I look at my bank balance on a friday.

When someone takes food off my plate without asking.


When I look at my pay stub.

When I hear girls say they have never had a one night stand.

When I see girls wearing colored eye shadow.

When I line jump at yogurtland

When my boss gives me his credit card.

When Natalya and I try to figure out whos brillant idea it was to go to wicked garden at 1:30am.

When I see that people are not eating their pizza crusts.

When my boss asks me how im doing this morning.

When I find out that tag got rid of its happy hour.

When i hear people talk about how rich other people are.

When people ask me why I didnt go Greek.

When my friends ask me about some of the guys I've gone on dates with
i am in class dying trying not to laugh reading these. the one about hookups in denver might have been my favorite. the scary part is figuring out how many are about me when you say 'my friends'...
ReplyDeletefavorite is the major in college one. and the one about StIcKy CaPs (shoot me). you have a way with words (and gifs) Elizabeth.